Terms & Conditions
Please read carefully over the Terms & Conditions before booking. Once you book with us, you fully accept these terms.
A non-refundable deposit will be required to secure your appointment. This deposit will go towards the balance of your service which will be due on the day of your appointment.
Reschedules/No shows
If you wish to reschedule your appointment, you must notify us at least 48 hours prior to your initial appointment. Failure to do so will result in the forfeit of your deposit and another deposit will be needed to book your appointment. You may reschedule once and the rescheduled date must not exceed 6 months from initial date. Please be respectful of your artist's time as no shows will result in a full credit card charge.
Existing Brow Tattoos
If you have existing tattoos, please email us a clear photo of your current brows for approval prior to booking. We do not touch up other artists’ work. New clients will be considered a new/initial service.
Disqualification list
Before you book, you are unable to continue with the procedure if you have any of the following:
Under the age of 18 (need parental consent)
Have consumed alcohol/blood thinning medication day of procedure
Prone to keloids
Botox within 3 weeks of your appointment
Fillers within 4 weeks of your appointment
On Accutane within past year
Eczema or psoriasis on the area of procedure
Chemical within 2 weeks of your appointment
If this applies to you, you must consult physician and provide a note:
Undergoing chemotherapy
On any heart medication